Tuesday 5 June 2012

This Google+ photo editor is great!

kao iz neke stare slikovnice sa tavana...jel?
Like some old children's book found in
 the attic!

IF: Hurry!!

 I wanted to put soup letters into the illustration, but scanning didn't turn up so good. So I decided to photograph them. I went outside with my kids and tried to take a picture on the pavement. My toddler wanted to play with letters, didn't want to let me take a picture, and in that moment I REALLY realized meaning of the word HURRY. The word that I wanted to photograph! :)
Finnaly I gave up from putting the letters into the illustration. However, pictures turned up good, so decided to post them!

Sunday 3 June 2012

Some older stuff

These are some of my old drawings, done in Adobe Illustrator...
Three little houses
An angry motocultivator

...some cute, colourful fairies...

...a green Frenchman (I don't know what happened to him)!

and some caracters I did for cinnamon cookies recepy for TDAC

I must admit I didn't practice much in Illustrator, but I intend to. 
See ya later!